Monday 12 September 2011

The miracles of nature?

 Something extraordinary is happening in the following video: polar bears play tenderly with huskies, and embrace them as if they were their babies. It is amazing how these two very different kinds of mammals have reached such a high level of communication and understanding. Let’s not forget that both polar bears and huskies are intelligent species blessed with remarkable hunting skills, highly developed instincts, and lightning fast reflex responses to potential danger.

Bears are not renowned for being sociable. Moreover, dogs would never allow an animal twice their size to embrace them, let alone one that could devour them within minutes. Or at least this is what we, humans, would think. However, animals once more stand the stereotypes we have arbitrarily set for them on their heads, and prove to be beyond our prejudice. The only thing for sure is that they will never cease to surprise and mesmerize us.

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