Monday 25 August 2014

Rory Gallagher: music as a lifetime affair

I see music as a lifetime affair, I'm not in it for the big kill and then get out...We've toured the States twenty times now... although we don't have the big album to show off for it. But I'm not competing on that sort of level anyway. Its a conscious decision. I know we're not going to cut it on the smoke bomb/dry ice kick or pull the ridiculous publicity stunts. We're divorced from that circuit. We have a niche and we're staying there. I don't know if we've ever even released a single in the States... I'll never get the regular pop playlists because I don't churn out music that's instant and disposable, like a hamburger, I just don't run that race.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post.His words
are as moving as his music.

aris.cs said...

Yes, very much so - well put!

Thank you : )

Unknown said...

He was the man! He will always live and inspire through his music legacy!