Sunday 4 November 2012

Breathe/Respira: #14N European General Strike

This is Respira (Breathe), an insightful video by the Spanish trade union General Confederation of Labour (CGT), which articulates an interpretation of the current economic crisis as affecting everyone's life; it characteristically addresses the exclusion of migrants, cuts on social services, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, unemployment, and impoverishment.

This video is prepared in relation to the upcoming mobilization against austerity throughout Europe; trade unions in Portugal, Spain, and Greece have called for a general strike on 14 November 2012, thus signaling the value of acting on an international level, and surpassing the confines of national identity. The European Trade Union Confederation is also calling for action on that day, expressing its "strong opposition to the austerity measures that are dragging Europe into economic stagnation, indeed recession, as well as the continuing dismantling of the European social model. These measures, far from re-establishing confidence, only serve to worsen imbalances and foster injustice."

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