Saturday 8 July 2017

Capitalism kills: protest against the G20 summit

Excerpt from Hamburg City Strike- Call 
Day by day, we become witnesses of a policy that is publicly expressed at the G20 summit in July. Our life is characterized by a growing precariousness, which has long since expanded beyond our working lives. Social welfare is decimated bit by bit, public space is increasingly privatized, and austerity policy propagates the lack of alternatives to these and other measures. In order to keep the wheel of capitalism running, and to draw profits despite the growing crises, our social living conditions are increasingly becoming the goal of exploitation. 

As the promises of growth and prosperity cannot be fulfilled any more even in the Metropolises, which causes modification of the state and society’s regulation framework, right-wing populism, militant nationalism and authoritarian paradigms are thriving in Europe, the US and Asia. Economic-political protectionism as well as the eviction of migrants including the construction of border fences are called for. Internally, anything not fitting the norm, anything queer or just non-conformist is under suspicion.

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