Tuesday 3 May 2011

A lovely underdog

On the pavement, right outside the entrance of an apartment building, lives this small tree. It is called a bigarade (also known as 'bitter') orange tree. You can see it on the right side of the first picture, standing straight with its green leaves and all. 

Now, in the same picture, on the left, there is a very strange entity leaning outwards. It looks like a dead, bare and leafless branch - but in fact, it is a damson tree. And there is reason to believe that initially it was just a piece of wood supporting the tree on its right.

But instead of giving up, this strange entity has decided to bloom.

Does it matter it is so small and hardly looks like a tree? Does it matter it lives right next to the traffic? And does it even matter at all that every winter it has to stand against persistent north winds and temperatures below freezing?

Judge for yourselves...


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